Dec 10, 2012


When you are in love, you are in your most vulnerable state
You can easily be blinded, deceived and easily be hurt, we cower

Known her for long, but left for a bit
Came back to reunite and nothing seems fit
All is to ignore and move on
To tell the stories, reconnect the missing puzzles and carry on
Heard the stories, most unexpecting, yet interesting
Believed, but something...a piece, missing...
Don't know what it was, but all is to ignore
moved on, continued like before
Pathetic much but true
Lost, got carried away
When truth unraveled,
In denial of the truth,
But sooner or later, we need to accept the truth
At some point...
Heart-broken, didn't know what to do
There was nothing I could do...
I don't know what to say
maybe, pain? never to trust again
never to fall again?


Being in love can be great, an amazing feeling to have where posibilies become endless. There are those of us that experienced the worst and the best about being in love, to really care for someone dear to you. The experiences we have in Love teach us many things that matures our thinking, our perspective of things. We learn to accept and deny, to care and not care, to love and hate, etc...

For those who's been hurt by being in love to someone who feels otherwise realizes or other, that if things doesn't workout with this person when you gave all you have to offer, means another hope. That, that someone you are looking for is out there looking for you. The same thing that you are doing and I do believe that someday you'll find that person.

You may feel that the world may seem to crumble around you, when in fact it's leading you the way. You'll just have to have faith...

Always look for the positive side, learn from your experiences and don't cower because it will lead you nowhere but feel even worst.

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