Dec 16, 2012


If a person is very considerate towards you, please don't take it for granted. Sometimes people fucking take it for granted too much undermining the reasons behind the things we do for them.


If someone didn't accept your invitation on ice skating and you haven't seen the person you are in relationship with for 6 month, who came a long way to spend time with you. Does not mean we don't want to go, it just means that we are fucking considerate enough to let you have an alone time with that person. Don't get all fucking upset/angry at us(more towards me) because I respect a relationship. It's rather pathetic of you to get that upset when I explained the reason why and it's not always about you. Did you even consider what the person you are in relationship with wants? If a person came all the way from opposite side of the country to be with you. Doesn't that person deserve an alone time with you? We already met this person and spent most of the time around you guys leaving you both no privacy, just you two alone; yet you disregard my considerateness.

Why do you always want things to go your way, not by the consideration of others? Funny thing is you always think you are considerate of everyone but you can't even be considerate towards the person you are in relationship with? This person might not say anything but do you atleast care about what he wants or think? Stop being such a control freak. I can guarantee you, being a control freak would not go too well for you in the long run.

I, I don't like the fact that when things doesn't go your way, you get all upset, mad and sulky. It's rather pathetic of you...grow up for once. You say you're grown but in all honesty...not even close. Not even...

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