Dec 9, 2012

Why do girls exaggerate?

It still baffles me when girls point out distance. For example; A few days ago I was with four of my girl friends whom were just coming from David's Bridal. Of course I was there since I was forcefully invited. Supposedly my opinion was so important to them.

Anyways, it went like this:
Girl1: "Would you like to come eat with us?"
Me: "Sure I would love to. Where are we going to eat?"
Girl1: "It's just over there, across the street."
Me: "Okay."

So we went for a little drive that took quite long and when we arrived at the destination. I said...

Me: "Wow...this is definitely not across the street..."
Girl1: "Yeah it is."
Me: "-_-... 10 blocks is definitely not considered as "across the street." Across the street literally means, 'across the street' not 10 blocks away."
Girl1: "Whatever, same thing..."

Do you guys see what I'm talking about?

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