Dec 9, 2012

Dancing Dance Central 3 & Just Dance 4

My friend, who's very special to me, finally bought these two games and we couldn't wait to play them in Xbox 360 Kinect. My friend had been meaning to buy these games for quite sometime now since it first came out. So my friend finally bought it today.

We first played Just Dance 4 since it was the first game bought at the Mall. When we finally started playing it, the game wasn't that bad at all. Although the hard level weren't really that hard at all, in fact they were quite easy to follow. My friend knew the difference between Just Dance and Dance Central. So my friend automatically knew what game was better, which was Dance Central since my friend had been playing them for quite sometime.

After an hour or two had past playing the game with our friends, my friend decided to get the other game Just Dance 2 fixed because it had the "Ring of Death," which is a circle scratch on the disc that prevents the CD reader to read its data on the disc. So my friend wanted to get it fixed and we went to the nearest Gamestop to check if they allow CD cleaning. Unfortunately they didn't nor they had any CD cleaner to sell us and found out we had just missed the last stock they had. Someone had already bought it, sadly. We ended up buying Dance Central 3 because Just Dance 4 wasn't what my friend really expected it to be. It sucked and difficult to browse or manipulate when selecting songs or when making changes.

Dance Central 3 was far more entertaining the than Just Dance 4. Dance Central 3 had more realistic moves comparing to Just Dance 4. Although it was much more difficult to follow, it was more entertaining due to the fact of how we looked, I looked, trying to imitate the moves. Throughout the game we did not really choose easy as difficulty because it would have been boring if we had chosen easy. The harder the level the funnier we looked when dancing. Some of my friends recorded us dancing and I'm hoping none will go to Facebook nor YouTube because it would be so embarrassing, for the whole world to see.

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