Dec 10, 2012

Self-image and Existential (I see friends...)

I see friends going through troubles, especially in tough times.
I see friends happy, though inside hurting, hearth-broken, confused and lost.
They see no light of hope, but hope, no exit.
Always looking for Existential meaning, where paths, can easily be lost.
I see friends seek acceptance from others, whatever it may take.
Even if it was the wrong crowd of friends...
I see friends wait for something they've always been waiting for, to come but hasn't.
Nothing, but left hanging...
Self-image become less of value...
I see friends dislike the way they look, that they are not beautiful.
Even comments from real friends, friends that truely care, becomes less of a value.
answering, "not really... thank you though... that's very sweet of you. ha-ha-ha..."
Saying it with a sad smile and laught, then changes the subject...
I see friends try to help other friends who are aching,
Yet they themselves aren't able to help their selves from past achings that they still carry within them.

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Fake friends are like your own shadows...
They'll always be there when light still shines...
But when darkness comes, they hide...
No longer your shadow, no longer there for you...

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I see many things from friends, that can go on forever...listing one by one.
Sometimes, you wish you can change things...
Sometimes, you wish you can do more than just be there for them...
But being there seems to be the only thing you 'can' do...

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Tell your friends they are beautiful when you see them.
Tell them they are beautiful because you truely meant it,
all the way from the bottom of your heart,
Not because someone tells you to do so.
Tell them they are beautiful just the way they are.
Tell them they deserve better.
Tell them you'll always be there for them, even in times of darkness.
Tell them...

- - -

Self-image and existential your guide to who you want to be as a person...


        Just sharing thoughts...:D

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